DEEP Concept

About us

DEEP Concept Story

Your Technology Partner

Founded in 2015, Deep Concept was born out of a growing need for expertise in power semiconductor packaging. Particularly with the emergence of wide band gap components and the growing electrification in transportation systems and energy management.

For studies upstream or close to product development, you can call on Deep Concept. For proof of concept or technology maturity, in terms of process control, characterization and reliability studies. Other requests may concern the need to optimize component performance, in terms of materials, geometries and topologies.

Votre partenaire technologique

Choose DEEP Concept

We propose an offer combining study and realization allowing the customer to develop his project from the electrical diagram to the functional prototype. We answer several requests:

DEEP Concept

Our Values

Deep Concept’s main asset lies in its ability to adapt to new customer issues. Customers may not find THE solution to their ever more demanding specifications and are forced to make compromises in order to use « off-the-shelf » power modules from traditional suppliers. Hence, Deep Concept’s positioning in an adapted and optimized response to these complex issues.

Monthly manufacturing capacity

Collaborative projects in progress

Publications/Patents/Soleau envelopes



Our specialists

Sébastien AVILES

R&D Technician in Power Electronics


CTO, Co-founder, Chief Scientist


CEO, Co-founder, Technology and Industrialization Manager


Doctorate in Materials and Process Engineering, expert in polymer packaging for power electronics

Anusha Gopishetti

Process clean room engineer, expert in Power Characterizations

Logo Aerospace Valley
Logo Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications
Logo Primes
DEEP Concept membre de la French Tech Pau Béarn